Open the door to a world of possibilities ...
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a modern yet tried and tested therapy for effectively reducing stress, anxiety, fear and overwhelm, and increasing your ability to cope with whatever life throws at you. Sessions will give you an understanding of how your brain creates anxiety, depression and anger and many other issues such as OCD, panic attacks, fears, phobias, insomnia, IBS, skin complaints and many other issues. If you are unsure if hypnotherapy can help you – do not hesitate to get in contact with me.
Over a course of sessions you can learn how to manage and control your thoughts, calm your flight or fight response, help to change your old patterns of thought and behaviour, gently rewiring your brain – using the brain’s ability to change itself, called neuroplasticity, which helps to create positive long-term changes to thoughts, behaviours and attitudes. Working together I help you to identify small steps to get you working towards your goals and help you live the life you really want.
Corporate Programmes
Work related stress and anxiety is on the rise.. approx 17.5 million working days are lost annually due to work related mental health conditions in the UK.
According to the Gov report on Menopause, ‘menopausal women are the fastest growing workforce demographic’.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for those who are seeking to increase achievement in their career or other areas of their life.
Are you ready to unlock your full potential ?
What clients say

Hypnotherapy for Flying Phobia
D, Bexleyheath

Online Hypnotherapy for Flying Phobia
H, Swanley

Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation
P, London

Hypnotherapy for anxiety
L, Orpington

Online Hypnotherapy for anxiety
P, Beckenham

Hypnotherapy for anxiety
S, Orpington

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety
S, London

Online Hypnotherapy for Anxiety
D, Lincolshire
Please note that results can vary from person to person. Like all therapies, results cannot be guaranteed.
Did you know?
You can literally change your mind - your brain has an amazing ability to change, it’s called neuroplasticity and this can be engaged by thought alone.. Together we can harness that ability to bring about the positive changes you are seeking .
To book your free consultation fill in the form below or call me.
Telephone: 07986573973
Address: 6 Crofton Road, Orpington, BR6 8AF