Hypnotherapy in Orpington, Bromley, Kent & Online

Hypnotherapy for Dependencies

People can become addicted to all sorts of things, drugs, gambling, alcohol, social media, food and so on . Addiction often starts as a habit – a behavioural pattern that may not be particularly damaging to begin with, but over time it can become more powerful and interfere with your quality of life, causing problems with your health, relationships or your ability to work etc. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help calm your mind and help you get back in control. We can work together to reframe your thoughts and find ways to help you cope and leave behind unwanted behaviours. All you need is the motivation to change,some imagination to consider the benefits of life without the addictionand be prepared to take necessary steps. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you access that part of your brain that can develop new ways of thinking and behaving that are more appropriate to living life as you really want.

Hypnotherapy for motivation

Are you ready to unlock your full potential ?

Solution Focused hypnotherapy uses techniques based on neuroscience to empower clients to unlock their full potential and bring about effective and lasting change.

What clients say

Please note that results can vary from person to person.  Like all therapies, results cannot be guaranteed.

Did you know?

You can literally change your mind - your brain has an amazing ability to change, it’s called neuroplasticity and this can be engaged by thought alone.. Together we can harness that ability to bring about the positive changes you are seeking .